Welcome to David South Consulting!
Dear all,
Welcome to the home of David South Consulting/David South International (DSC/DSI)! This website gathers together an archive of past work spanning over two decades, while also showing current areas of interest and clients. We work around the world and with decision-makers looking to make change.
If you are a client seeking support, then please contact us directly through our email (mailto: davidsouthconsulting@gmail.com or mailto: contact@davidsouthconsulting.org), or our Contact page.
We can also have a confidential meeting in either our base city, London, UK, or Geneva, Switzerland (or snowmobile on a glacier in Iceland - your choice!). Please also take a look at our Services and our About page for further details. We focus on Health, Human Development and Innovation.
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5311-1052. Web of Science ResearcherID: AAI-3679-2021. Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=yL2BvU8AAAAJ&hl=en.
We accept payments and donations. We use any funds received to keep content online, or to create new content. Thank you! https://www.paypal.me/davidsouthconsulting.

Case studies
UN Innovation | 1997 to 2015
Award-winning and Influential Media
I led the development and roll-out of crisis response media for the United Nations. This included an award-winning web portal for UN Mongolia (1997-1999) and two highly influential media for the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) (2007-2015).
GOSH | 2001 to 2003
Award-winning Child Health Web Portal
Britain’s best-loved children’s hospital and charity, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust (GOSH), contracted me to lead a two-year project to modernise the hospital’s web presence and take its brand into the 21st century.
Read more »Testimonials
"I liked your latest Southern innovator! Always inspiring."Joana Breidenbach, betterplace.org, Berlin, Germany.
"What a tremendous magazine your team has produced! It's a terrific tour de force of what is interesting, cutting edge and relevant in the global mobile/ICT space... This is great, engaging, relevant and topical stuff." Rose Shuman, Founder & CEO, Open Mind and Question Box, Santa Monica, CA, U.S.A.
“An outstanding example of how a hospital can create quality, authoritative information on issues relating to health in a fun, child-centred and accessible way.”
Cable and Wireless Childnet Award on Children First health web portal, 2003.
What's new
From "one of the biggest peacetime economic collapses ever" to the mobile and information technology revolution in the global South, David South Consulting has responded with inspiring public content.
Please find below links to our current and past work. While these accomplishments are substantial, we are all about the future! If you are a senior professional looking to make a big impact, or your organisation needs the right person to guide you through the challenges of the 21st century - digital technology, fast-moving scientific breakthroughs and developments, or the shifting priorities of geopolitics - then please contact us for a confidential chat. Let's get to work!
New WordPress website is coming together with a new focus. The davidsouthconsulting.org website will focus on blogging and campaigning around the key areas of interest and accomplishment.
David South Consulting: Two websites to connect. Our WordPress site is for blogging and campaigning, whereas the Squarespace site is the brand home.
We have Case Studies on past accomplishments here:
It is possible to invest in our brands. As an example, the Southern Innovator brand can be helped to scale in this plan: https://davidsouthconsulting.org/southern-innovator-scale-up-fundraiser/. David South Consulting also has an ambitious plan to bring the benefits of our brand to markets around the world. It can be read online here: http://www.davidsouthconsulting.com/blog/2017/10/2/david-south-consulting-scale-up-2017.html. Our brands have a global profile and have been involved in significant change at the international level. Brands matter in international development and international markets. We are the brand managers for the following:
All content kept online with the generous support of David South International.