Project Management


Entries in Mongolia (12)


Bringing Modern Design to Development | 6 November 2010


A sample of design used in a project document from Mongolia in 2005. In this project, we took a complex mix of data and tried to build a snapshot of the country situation that was also visually appealing. Note the people icons: specially custom-designed for the Mongolian milieu.

Mongolian MDGs Media Project Infographic 2005

In the development of Creative Sparks, we are drawing on this past experience to create visually clear and instructive images and design for the magazine. One example follows:

Dynamo Smart Charger



© David South Consulting 2017


Mongolian Stamps from the Late 1990s | 5 July 2010


The Mongolian post office is one of those places that loves to pander to the world’s philatelists by making kitschy and quirky stamps. Here is a selection I dug out of the filing cabinet from back then:

Pebbles and Bambam and a Mongolian Camel

Jerry Garcia

Barney, Fred, Wilma and Betty in Mongolia

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