Southern Innovator at GSSD Expo 2014 | 16 November 2014

Southern Innovator Issue 5 was distributed to participants at the GSSD Expo 2014 (Global South-South Development Expo) and at the 6th annual AIDF Disaster Relief Summit.
Southern Innovator has attended every Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo) since 2011. This year’s Expo – from the 17th of November until the 21st in Washington, D.C. – marks the beginning of a new phase for Southern Innovator (SI). The magazine has outgrown its humble beginnings and is now negotiating the funding for a major global expansion. In September of this year, Southern Innovator began talks with television programme makers in order to launch an SI television presence and an online video service. Southern Innovator is also exploring ways to match this rich media content with an expanded and improved online and mobile offering and a funding platform specialising in social ventures and supporting innovators. SI will also look for ways to continue to support efforts within UNDP and the wider UN family to encourage and support innovation in all its forms.
As 2014 comes to a close, this is an outstanding opportunity for the right partners to get on board with this unique global media brand producing “content for the 21st century”. Contact the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) to discuss this further:
In the meantime, our sixth issue is underway and also represents a great way to reach readers across the global South. We are seeking sponsors to help with expanding our print run and also to fund various supplements to accompany the magazine.
© David South Consulting 2017