Southern Innovator Scale-up | 2017

Pitch + Vision
Team Biographies
Funding Phases
Phase 1
Design Specifications for Southern Innovator Magazine 1.0
Southern Innovator (2007-2017)
Editor-in-Chief: Cosmas Gitta
Editor and Writer: David South
Consultant: David South
Editor-in-Chief: Cosmas Gitta
Editor and Writer: David South
Consultant: David South
Managing Editor: Audette Bruce
Copy Editor: Barbara Brewka
Circulation Manager: Amanda Armoogam
Published: 2011 to 2015
Electronic issues: ISSN 2222-9280
Issue 3: ISSN 2227-0523
Issue 4: ISBN 978-0-9920217-0-2
Issue 5: ISBN 978-0-9920217-1-9
Font: Akkurat
Format: 60 pages full colour
Paper: Paper from responsible sources and Nordic Ecolabelled Printer 141825
Energy: 100% renewable sources
Produced according to the UN Global Compact
Countries: Canada/Iceland/United Kingdom/USA
Development Team (2010-2011)
Editor-in-Chief: Cosmas Gitta
Editor and Writer: David South
Managing Editor: Audette Bruce
Copy Editor: Barbara Brewka
Graphic Designer and Illustrator: Sólveig Rolfsdóttir
Design and Layout: Sólveig Rolfsdóttir and Eva Hronn Gudnadóttir
Commissioned by: United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC)
Contracted by: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Implemented by: David South Consulting (United Nations Global Marketplace Vendor 375229) and
Website (
Launched: 2011
Location: New York, New York, USA
Web Design: Carina Figurasin
Content: David South
E-Newsletter (2006-2014)
Launched: 2006
Location: New York, New York, USA
Editor-in-Chief: Cosmas Gitta
Researcher and Writer: David South
Consultant: David South
Social Media and Social Sharing (2007-present)
Location: London, UK
Head: David South
Phase 2
High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation, Nineteenth Session, New York, 16-19 May 2016.
In 2016, the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation urged the UNOSSC to re-start funding the publication of Southern Innovator Magazine and the influential e-newsletter Development Challenges, South-South Solutions.
Phase 3
Back Issues
"What a tremendous magazine your team has produced! It's a terrific tour de force of what is interesting, cutting edge and relevant in the global mobile/ICT space... Really looking forward to what you produce in issues #2 and #3. This is great, engaging, relevant and topical stuff." Rose Shuman, Founder & CEO, Open Mind and Question Box
"Question Box was featured in Southern Innovator, a new publication of UNDP that profiles some of the most innovative ideas coming out of the global South. We were pleased to see many friends in the sector profiled as well, such as Ushahidi, Medic Mobile, and TxtEagle. Take a look at the magazine, as it is a great primer on ICT and mobile innovation from around the globe." Question Box News.
"Looks great. Congratulations. It’s Brill’s Content for the 21st century!" Conan Tobias, Managing Editor, Canadian Business
What they are saying about SI on Twitter: From @CapacityPlus Nice job RT @ActevisCGroup: RT @UNDP: Great looking informative @SouthSouth1 mag on South-South Innovation; @UNDP Great looking informative @SouthSouth1 mag on South-South Innovation; @JeannineLemaire Graphically beautiful & informative @UNDP Southern Innovator mag on South-South Innov.
And on Pinterest:
"I liked your latest Southern innovator! Always inspiring." Joana Breidenbach,, Berlin, Germany
"Thank you David - Your insight into the issues facing us a[s] [a] "global Village" is made real in the detail of your article - 10 out of 10 from the moladi team." Moladi, South Africa (
We accept payments and donations here:
© 2017
© David South Consulting 2017

"Beautiful, inspiring magazine from UNDP on South-South innovation. Heart is pumping adrenaline and admiration just reading it"
“@SouthSouth1 is one of the best sources out there for news and info on #solutions to #SouthSouth challenges.” Adam Rogers, Assistant Director, Regional Representative, Europe, United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC)