Project Management


Entries in GSSD (9)


Whirlwind Global Tour and Issues 4 and 5 in Production | 26 November 2012



November has been a very busy month: From visiting projects in China and South Korea to meeting a plethora of innovators at the Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo) in Vienna, Austria, SI has learned much. It is now time to complete issues 4 and 5 and make plans for 2013. A glimpse of what is coming can be seen below:

First draft of the cover of Southern Innovator's fourth issue.


SI Straddles the Globe in November | 23 October 2012


After a busy couple of weeks, Southern Innovator (SI) is swiftly moving into its next phase. November will be a very busy time for us here at SI. The beginning of the month will see SI go to China and South Korea gathering stories and material for issues 4 and 5 of the magazine. Stay tuned to see the fruits of this trip and what it will have to offer innovators. As November moves to its final weeks, SI will join many other innovators from the global South at the Global South-South Development (GSSD) Expo. SI made its first appearance at last year’s Expo in Rome, Italy and this year’s Expo will be in Vienna, Austria, hosted by UNIDO. While all this globe trotting goes on, issues 4 and 5 of the magazine will be coming together and readied for publishing before the year is out.

Can’t wait to read issues 4 and 5 of SI magazine? Then have a read of the October issue of Development Challenges, South-South Solutions.

October 2012 Development Challenges, South-South Solutions.


Southern Innovator Issue 3 Amost Complete | 5 July 2012


The final touches are being made to the third issue of Southern Innovator. The issue covers the theme of Agriculture and Food Security and is the result of intensive research. Much of the structure of this issue benefited from the Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo) held in December of 2011 at the Food and Agriculture Organization based in Rome, Italy. An example of the artwork that can be found inside Issue 3 is below:


Southern Innovator Goes to South-South Expo | 13 December 2011


Southern Innovator made its way to the annual Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo), which was held this year in Rome, Italy and was hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. It was great to meet many of the people presenting their work at the Expo and to catch up with the team at the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation.

Southern Innovator Issue 1 called a "tour de force of what is interesting, cutting edge and relevant in the global mobile/ICT space..."

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