Project Management


Entries in production (3)


Southern Innovator Issue 5 in Production | 10 December 2013

The fifth issue of Southern Innovator is on the way. It explores innovators in the global green economy and who are tackling the issues of waste and recycling and how to use resources efficiently while raising living standards and boosting human development. Southern Innovator is a great opportunity to reach cutting-edge innovators around the world. Don’t miss this opportunity to support the magazine in 2014 and 2015. The magazine is beginning a new phase in how it is distributed by partnering with innovators to help reach more readers.

First draft cover for Issue 5.


Whirlwind Global Tour and Issues 4 and 5 in Production | 26 November 2012



November has been a very busy month: From visiting projects in China and South Korea to meeting a plethora of innovators at the Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo) in Vienna, Austria, SI has learned much. It is now time to complete issues 4 and 5 and make plans for 2013. A glimpse of what is coming can be seen below:

First draft of the cover of Southern Innovator's fourth issue.


Issue 2 of Southern Innovator Magazine in Production | 17 December 2011


Issue 2’s theme is Youth and Entrepreneurship and is currently in production. Issue 3 will focus on Food Security and Agriculture. The magazine is seeking partners to co-share the production costs. If interested, then contact

The magazine is a rare opportunity to reach a large global audience, many of whom are in fast-growing emerging market countries and comprise the next generation of innovators and pioneers. The cover concept in development is below:

New Development Challenges, South-South Solutions Template

Designed by Icelandic graphic designer Sólveig Rolfsdóttir, the new template makes an evolutionary change from the template first introduced in 2007. For the first time, a QR (quick response) Code now links the e-newsletter to the Southern Innovator website.

© David South Consulting 2017