In their own words: Selected writings by journalists on Mongolia, 1997-1999 | 6 January 2010

Launched in 1999 towards the end of my two-year assignment in Mongolia, this book is a unique resource for a developing country: a one-stop compilation of journalism chronicling the ups and downs of life in a country where the political and economic system has been turned on its head. You can download an edited selection of the book from Google Books here: In their own words: Selected writings by journalists on Mongolia, 1997-1999.
Now also available at the University of Toronto:
The UNDP Mongolia Communications Office aided many journalists to cover Mongolia from 1997-1999. Two examples are below:
"Herding instinct" by Jill Lawless, The Guardian, 9 June 1999.
"A Mongolian Shopping Spree Fizzles" by Thomas Crampton, The New York Times, June 25, 1998.
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