Project Management


Entries in innovator (21)


Looking Back Over the Past 6 Years | 5 April 2012


I was asked to pull together a brief summary of what has been achieved since work began on the e-newsletter in 2007. While it can be difficult to gauge some aspects of this work – and resources are limited – it is possible to sketch a journey from a very different place back in 2007. This was just the beginning of the global economic crisis, and for many people, the turbulence of the following years has come as a big shock.

What has been noticeable is how far-reaching many of the ideas featured in the e-newsletter have been. What seemed fringe and marginal, is now front-and-centre in much of the world’s media. Think of the noise now generated about Africa and technology. The e-newsletter has tried to balance catching the drift of new trends with seeking out a common element of human resilience and innovation in the face of enormous obstacles and challenges. It is this aspect that seems to cross borders so well. Human ingenuity and creativity in the face of hardship is a compelling story.

Since 2010, in collaboration with Icelandic graphic designer and illustrator Sólveig Rolfsdóttir, we have tried to express this innovation culture in a visual form. It feels like we have more started on a journey still than come to its end. Like we have only just scratched the surface and have so much more to learn and experience.

Southern Innovator's Graphic Designer and Illustrator, Solveig Rolfsdottir.


Issue 2 of Southern Innovator has Launched | 23 March 2012

While it was just an idea in December 2011, Southern Innovator’s second issue has come to life and is now live online (ISSN 2227-0523). Its theme is youth and entrepreneurship. With global youth unemployment levels continuing to rise, fresh thinking of the kind found in Southern Innovator‘s second issue is urgently required.

Southern Innovator‘s second issue has many new features to help readers and make knowledge-sharing easier. The magazine’s design is also closer to the original vision conceived back in 2010 in collaboration with Icelandic graphic designer and illustrator Sólveig Rolfsdóttir.


Issue 2 of Southern Innovator Magazine in Production | 17 December 2011


Issue 2’s theme is Youth and Entrepreneurship and is currently in production. Issue 3 will focus on Food Security and Agriculture. The magazine is seeking partners to co-share the production costs. If interested, then contact

The magazine is a rare opportunity to reach a large global audience, many of whom are in fast-growing emerging market countries and comprise the next generation of innovators and pioneers. The cover concept in development is below:

New Development Challenges, South-South Solutions Template

Designed by Icelandic graphic designer Sólveig Rolfsdóttir, the new template makes an evolutionary change from the template first introduced in 2007. For the first time, a QR (quick response) Code now links the e-newsletter to the Southern Innovator website.

© David South Consulting 2017


New Magazine! | 13 October 2010


Just back from a trip to Canada and am headlong into the production of a new magazine. The magazine is being made in collaboration with Icelandic graphic designer and illustrator Solveig Rolfsdottir. As the magazine progresses, I shall post more on the blog about its creative journey and details about its launch.

© David South Consulting 2017


New Website on the Way | 16 September 2010


With summer break now behind us, and the autumn gradually unfolding (the pace seems slower with the economic uncertainties all around), my new public website is being assembled. Icelandic graphic designer Solveig Rolfsdottir is working on the project and I hope this is the beginning of many more collaborations.

David South Consulting Prototype Website Design 2010

David South Consulting branding and Squarespace website by Graphic Designer and Illustrator Solveig Rolfsdottir. 


© David South Consulting 2017