One World Youth Conferences: Mongolia | 1998 - 1999
In 1998 and 1999, the United Nations in Mongolia began the six One World Youth Conferences - on children, human rights, population and development, social development, women and development plus a national summit. One World brought together youth from across Mongolia to debate and challenge the country’s decision-makers on how they were meeting Mongolia’s international obligations.
It drew praise from then-UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan: “This One World Conference Series is a shining example of Mongolia’s determination to build a more democratic and prosperous future for all its citizens based on human rights, good governance, and a free and fair market economy. … Never should young people have to be protected from government.”
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan | Secretary-General Stresses Obligation of Government to Protect Young People (11 June 1999):
Secretary-General stresses obligation of government to protect young people : ‘never should young people have to be protected from government’, Kofi Annan adds in message to final UN OneWorld Youth Conference, in Mongolia : [statement, 11 June 1999] / [by the Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information]
United Nations Archives:
Mongolia’s One World UN conferences series’ empowers youth, United Nations Chronicle; New York Vol. 37, Iss. 1, (2000): 63.
Read media coverage of the One World Youth Conferences here:
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