David South Consulting Online for Seven Years | November 2017

When it first launched in 2010, the David South Consulting (davidsouthconsulting.com) website was beautiful but sparse. Designed by one of Iceland's top graphic designers and illustrators, Solveig Rolfsdottir, it was basically an online CV (curriculum vitae).
A lot has happened since: the new global magazine Southern Innovator was launched, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) came to an end in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched, and the UN adopted an innovation and South-South agenda, and so did many other countries, including China. And the content of the website has expanded to reflect this. The entire archive of the influential United Nations e-newsletter Development Challenges, South-South Solutions can be found here, as well as many resources chronicling the international development journey from the late 1990s.
We even moved to a new studio and headquarters next to a bird sanctuary and nature reserve (matching our green words with green actions)!
The front page of the David South Consulting website.
Services at David South Consulting.
David South Consulting had an Alexa rank of 7,243,014 in 2017.
David South Consulting international clients.
Practice Zones and HQ and Studio for David South Consulting.
© David South Consulting 2017