Project Management


Entries in UN General Assembly (2)


The Southern Innovator Online Presence Grows | 3 October 2012


Based in New York, and hosted and run by UNDP,  Southern Innovator‘s website archive continues to grow with stories.

Southern Innovator's online story archive.

And search engines such as Google are making it easier to find the content based on key words and terms.


Southern Innovator Ready for UN General Assembly | 26 September 2012


Print hard copies of Southern Innovator‘s third issue are now available in New York. And just in time for the UN General Assembly, which is meeting this week. While this is not the intended audience for Southern Innovator, I hope it proves an inspiring read for those attending the General Assembly. Issues 4 and 5 are in development and will be published in 2012.

Southern Innovator magazine's third issue.