Project Management


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CASE STUDY 6: International Consulting | 1999 - 2014 Images

Expertise: Project evaluation, strategy, project management, project delivery, UN system, MDGs, research papers, media strategies and digital media strategies.

Locations: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Kiev, Ukraine, Pretoria, South Africa, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 2000 to 2006

Consultant: David South

A selection of digital and online work for clients since the late 1990s. As an early pioneer and innovator for the public sector Internet, David South Consulting can offer both vision and practical experience to deliver complex content projects to budget and on time.

A selection of brochures, infographics and reports for clients since the late 1990s. This has included rejuvenating the Mongolian construction industry for USAID, early use of infographics for the United Nations and in international development in general, and an inspiring report for the United Nations on the 21st century global innovator culture, helping to reshape UNDP's overall strategy for 2014 to 2017. 

The first five issues of Southern Innovator magazine for the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation. It celebrated a 21st century global innovator culture tackling poverty and achieving development goals.

The UNDP Blue Book helped in raising awareness of good design, while setting high standards for communications. It had been a key reference tool, along with the UN Global Compact, for client projects.

The Southern Innovator Summary of Impact. It briefly explains the methodology behind the magazine and its brand.

The David South Consulting Summary of Impact provides a snapshot of global achievements and a flavour of the design vision behind DSC. Having worked with high achieving clients around the world facing and surmounting daunting challenges, including senior United Nations officials and healthcare leaders, DSC can offer a rich experience to the right client.


1999/2000: USAID Mongolia (design and publicity strategy for business development brochure, US Mongol (Mongolia) Construct and US tour, work with Riverpath Associates in the UK on communications strategies and the drafting of papers for the American Foundation for AIDS Research, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, UNCTAD, Harvard Institute for International Development, and the preparation of the report and launch strategy for the World Bank’s Task Force on Higher Education. 

2000: UN Ukraine: strategic re-development of the UN Ukraine web portal and incorporation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 

2004: UN Mongolia (media campaign for MDGs) and UN South Africa (evaluation of youth NGO associated with the University of Pretoria and its projects and providing a strategic marketing plan).  

2005: UN Mongolia (media campaign for MDGs) and UN Turkmenistan (finalising its United Nations Development Assistance Framework - UNDAF).

2006: UN Turkmenistan (work with UNICEF). 


“I highly recommend Mr. David South as a communications consultant who gets results.” Brian DaRin, Representative/Director, USAID Investment & Business Development Project, Global Technology Network/ International Executive Service Corps-Mongolia, 23 September 1999

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