GOSH Child Health Portal Graphic Design | 2001 - 2003
Publisher: Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust (GOSH)/Institute of Child Health (ICH)
Location: London, UK
Project Manager: David South
Charity Content Coordinator: Ramita Navai
The brochure launching the GOSH Child Health Web Portal in September 2001.
Screen grabs from the first phase of development of the GOSH Child Health Portal.
A poster used in Phase 1 to launch the GOSH Child Health Portal.
An illustration from the child-friendly resources welcoming children to the hospital.
An illustration from the child-friendly resources welcoming children to the hospital.
Each phase was communicated in the hospital's staff newsletter, Roundabout.
Screen grabs from the third phase of the project. It included many new microsites and the re-design and re-launching of the GOSH Charity web portal in 2003.
There is no better way to show the transformation than this image.
Business card for the GOSH Child Health Web Portal Project.
© David South Consulting 2017