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Southern Innovator Magazine | 2010 - 2014

 Southern Innovator in Tianjin, China.

Issue 5 of Southern Innovator at the Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo) 2014 held in Washington, D.C.

Volunteers in Nairobi, Kenya pose with Southern Innovator Issue 4 at the Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo) in 2013.

Southern Innovator Editor and Writer David South in Australia.

Some comments that have come in so far about SI's first issue:

"What a tremendous magazine your team has produced! It's a terrific tour de force of what is interesting, cutting edge and relevant in the global mobile/ICT space... Really looking forward to what you produce in issues #2 and #3. This is great, engaging, relevant and topical stuff.", to "Looks great. Congratulations. It’s Brill’s Content for the 21st century!"

What they are saying about SI on Twitter: From @CapacityPlus Nice job RT @ActevisCGroup: RT @UNDP: Great looking informative  mag on South-South Innovation; @UNDP Great looking informative  mag on South-South Innovation; @JeannineLemaire Graphically beautiful & informative @UNDP Southern Innovator mag on South-South Innov. 

And on Pinterest:

Peggy Lee • 1 year ago

"Beautiful, inspiring magazine from UNDP on South-South innovation. Heart is pumping adrenaline and admiration just reading it"

Southern Innovator Editor and Writer David South.

The @SouthSouth1 Twitter page offers regular updates on the magazine and innovation across the global South:


Southern Innovator is held in the following library collections:

British Library:

Library of Congress:

Malaysian Academic Library Union: