Project Management


« Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine | 1992 - 1994 | Main | Memoranda of Understanding and Negotiator | 1997 - 2014 »

Vision + Strategy | 1991 - 2014

From experience, the importance of crafting a vision prior to the execution of a strategy is key to success and inspiring others. If done well, the vision can do much of the work for you. An inspiring vision will bring others on board, aligning them to your strategy. Some examples of vision leading to strategic success can be found in the following Case Studies from David South Consulting: 

Crisis Recovery

Case Study 4: UN + UNDP Mongolia | 1997 - 1999

Case Study 7: UNOSSC + UNDP | 2007 - 2016

Digital Transformation

Global Transformation

Media Start-up


© David South Consulting 2017