Project Management


Entries by David South (115)

Oct302015 Ranked 920,811 in Alexa Million Sites | 30 October 2015


In a world of more than 7 billion people, coming in the top million websites is humbling. The website ranking service Alexa compiles a list of the Top Million Sites in the world. And comes in at 920,811. Published on a shoestring, the website comes packed with content and insights gleaned from over two decades' work around the world. ranks at 920,811 in Alexa Top Million Sites.

" traffic estimate is about 88 unique visitors and 176 pageviews per day. The approximated value of is 2,920 USD. Every unique visitor makes about 2 pageviews on average. Alexa Traffic Rank estimates that is ranked number 188,469 in the world."


Southern Innovator on PressReader Platform | 14 October 2015


Southern Innovator's fifth issue is now available for browsing on the PressReader platform. PressReader helps Southern Innovator reach even more readers. It does this through a PressReader app, allowing readers to create a personal news feed, and download complete issues of magazines and newspapers as they appear in print. A digital magazine rack and personal news wire service in one.

Issues 1 to 4 will also be available in the coming weeks. PressReader is based in Richmond, BC, Canada and "delivers an endless stream of top news stories to read, discuss and share. Get full issues of thousands of top newspapers and magazines just as they appear in print."

Southern Innovator on PressReader


Southern Innovator Scale-Up Begins: Get on Board! | 4 June 2015


Southern Innovator achieved a great deal during its first phase. The magazine’s concept was beta tested as five issues were developed and rolled out across the global South. Feedback and comments came in from around the world and the magazine was refined based on user responses and experience.

During this time, a plan was developed to scale-up Southern Innovator over the next five years. We would like to do this in two phases. Contact us to learn more about the plan, what resources we require and how to get involved. What is on offer is truly remarkable: an ability to connect with the best and brightest of the global South at the very moment they are shaping the new world of the 21st century. Many have failed to grasp this opportunity and thus have been heavily damaged during the economic crisis; principally because they have failed to understand profound global changes and to see how they can use them to improve what they are doing (though, if they had been reading Southern Innovator, they would have been very clued up!).

Southern Innovator is a product of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), so it is able to directly plug into the UN’s network of global resources helping countries and people. This is a substantial resource and not to be overlooked. Getting involved gets you plugged in and switched on!

Southern Innovator Summary of Impact 2015


Reflecting on What Has Been Accomplished: The David South Consulting Impact Summary | 27 March 2015



The title David South Consulting Summary of Impact is now available online. It covers work undertaken around the world from 1997 to 2014. This has included the rising use of the Internet to communicate, publishing during a major crisis, the campaign to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), modernizing online health resources and how hospital’s communicate in the 21st century, and chronicling some of the most powerful trends sweeping the planet as the global South increases its wealth. 

As powerful information technologies find their way to even the remotest and poorest places on earth, what is communicated on these platforms becomes more and more important. While governments may believe they can ring-fence and hold back the spreading of ideas – both good and bad, negative and positive – ideas will spread because human beings are ingenious communicators. Even if mobile phones and the Internet were to disappear tomorrow, people would find other ways to spread ideas. The future will be ever-more shaped by those who can spread useful ideas even faster. With the right idea, a problem can be tackled or solved. Most of the problems plaguing today’s world can be solved. The advances made in science and technology in the past half century are mind-boggling and many innovations are held back because of fear societies are just not ready to adapt, or because certain interest groups would rather not share what should be a common human inheritance. A simple newsletter, humble in its design, can have a profound impact if the content resonates with people’s dreams and aspirations; if the knowledge and ideas it contains makes them more powerful or able to act.

A magazine can be so much more than just pretty pictures and nice colours if its content captures a common and shared experience neglected by other media. Southern Innovator magazine is an example of this at work.

David South Consulting Summary of Impact

© David South Consulting 2017


Reflecting on What Has Been Accomplished: The Southern Innovator Impact Summary | 14 January 2015



The 2012 to 2014 Summary of Impact for Southern Innovator has been published. It sums up what has been achieved to date, details the top features of the magazine and why it is the way it is, and, most importantly, makes a pitch for the magazine continuing past the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) deadline year of 2015. Southern Innovator was founded to aid in the push to achieve the MDGs as the final years approached. It seized on two phenomena running in parallel that could super-charge the meeting of the goals, if seized upon by governments. One was the rapid and widespread take-up of mobile phones and information technology; the other was the 21st-century innovator culture this technology was shaping.

Now that the next goals are being debated, it is time for Southern Innovator to scale-up and build on its achievements to date. Have a read of the Impact Summary and dream with us of a bigger Southern Innovator!

© David South Consulting 2017