UNDP Mongolia Media Coverage | 1997 - 1999

I am pictured speaking with Mongolian Members of Parliament in 1997.
"Communications Co - ordinator David South ( right ) meets regularly with the Communications Team : from left to right , Ms Saruul , UN Infoshop librarian , Ms Oyuntungalag , UNDP Communications Officer and Ms Bayasgalan ..."
Other Resources
Today's journalists have to contend with a very different world to what existed in the mid to late 1990s. The ubiquity of electronic devices - and surveillance - means it can be risky and even dangerous to contact sources using these tools. A free guide is available to help journalists protect themselves and sources. Written by a journalist, the Online Privacy Guide for Journalists 2017: A Guide for the Savvy Journalist in a World of Ever Decreasing Privacy, can be found here: https://www.vpnmentor.com/blog/online-privacy-journalists/. For an explanation of the difference between a VPN (virtual private network) and a proxy, this short video from ExpressVPN on YouTube can help: What's the difference between a proxy and VPN?.
Various search engines also offer to hide your search. They include: