Southern Innovator Impact Summaries | 2012 - 2014

© David South Consulting 2017

© David South Consulting 2017
David South is the founder and senior partner for David South International and David South Consulting. He has worked around the world for the United Nations and has led a number of groundbreaking projects for major institutions. Clients have included the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH)/Institute of Child Health (ICH)/National Health Service (NHS), Harvard Institute for International Development, UNICEF, World Bank, USAID, and the Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, among others.
He has worked for, or side-by-side, with many high-level senior professionals and executives. These experienced professionals had roles under close public scrutiny and needed to show the impact of their work to a tight deadline.
He has been the editor for the United Nations magazine Southern Innovator since 2010. He also researched and wrote the influential United Nations e-newsletter Development Challenges, South-South Solutions (2007-2014). He has over two decades’ experience in media and journalism (developing strong relationships with many top journalists and media professionals), health and human development, and the role innovation plays in transforming major organisations while getting the most from people tackling complex problems in challenging environments.
I am an international development consultant with over 20 years’ experience. I specialise in media, health communications, development strategies, project management and publishing. I have led high-profile projects in Asia, Canada and the UK. This work has included a number of groundbreaking, award-winning new media projects.
United Nations Global Marketplace ( Vendor.
Read the David South Consulting Summary of Impact here:
Read the Southern Innovator Summary of Impact here:
I have managed and delivered projects to tight deadlines, with extensive public scrutiny and under difficult country conditions. I keep a cool head and am a seasoned trouble-shooter.
University of Toronto: BA Honours in Political Science and History
BBC: Managing Complex New Media Projects
International Health Exchange: Humanitarian Aid: Policies and Practice
English, Mongolian
High-quality, award-winning offline and online publishing has been key to larger successes. Examples can be found on this website along with cited work in books, journals, papers and online here:
Archived work can be found on various platforms here: Scribd:;
My books, magazines, newsletters, papers and research materials are archived at
Journalism by theme and timeline can be found here:
My journalism portfolio on Muck Rack:
I have launched and overseen a number of high-profile, high-impact, and award-winning online projects. My roles have been as strategist, project manager and/or content provider:
Southern Innovator Online Archive
UNDP Mongolia Development Web Portal
UN Ukraine Development Web Portal
High-quality graphic design and illustration has played a key role in project success. Some examples are below:
Client: Case Study 7: UNOSSC + UNDP | 2007 - 2016 Images
Client: Case Study 5: GOSH/ICH Child Health Portal | 2001 - 2003 Images
An early adopter of social media, DSC/DSI has been able to reach across borders and cultures to spread the message on innovation. One Twitter account, @SouthSouth1, was called “one of the best sources out there for news and info on #solutions to #SouthSouth challenges (Adam Rogers, Assistant Director, Regional Representative, Europe, United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation - UNOSSC)”.
On Facebook:
On SlideShare:
The achievements detailed on this web portfolio are down to fruitful collaboration and wise mentoring. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the ever-growing list of people who have helped me in one way or another over the years.
David South in Sydney, Australia. Photo: Jill Lawless.
Press Release for General Distribution
New Magazine Targets Innovators in Global South
United Nations, New York, 20 September 2011
• Global magazine Southern Innovator profiles innovation
culture ending poverty
• 60-page color magazine gives snapshot of fast-changing
Southern Innovator is a new magazine for a fast-changing world. It profiles
and celebrates the innovators across the global South finding new ways to
tackle poverty, create wealth and improve human development and achieve
the millennium development goals (MDGs). In its first issue, Southern
Innovator features the people who are re-shaping new technologies – from
mobile phone ‘apps’ to Internet technologies - to overcome poverty and to
improve the quality of life in some of the poorest places on earth.
SI is based on intensive research and is produced by UNDP’s Special Unit for
South-South Cooperation ( The Unit is the
leading organisation in the world tasked with the goal of sharing knowledge
across the global South. It organises events including the yearly South-South
Expo (, a roaming celebration and gathering of
Southern innovators previously held in New York and Geneva, Switzerland.
This year’s Expo will be held in Rome, Italy (5 to 9 December 2011).
SI is being distributed around the world through the United Nations network
and partners and reaches some of the poorest and remotest places as well as
the vibrant but stressed growing global megacities. It is hoped the magazine
will inspire budding innovators with its mix of stories, essential information,
facts and figures, images and graphics. The magazine will evolve based on
reader responses and this first issue is very much the beginning of a journey.
As became clear while researching this first issue, many things can change in
a short space of time. Few could have imagined the rapid take-up of mobile
phones in Africa and how these phones have become integral to development
goals across the continent.
SI magazine is a quarterly publication and the next issues will launch in
September and December of this year.
A summary for publication is here:
“Southern Innovator (ISSN 2222-9280) is a quarterly magazine published by
the United Nations Development Programme’s Special Unit for South-South
Cooperation. Launched in May 2011, SI is a new magazine celebrating
creativity and innovation emerging from the global South. It explores
entrepreneurial solutions to development challenges and uncovers the trends
and events shaping the rise of the South in order to spur action on ending
extreme poverty and toward reaching the Millennium Development Goals
We hope you enjoy the magazine and find its content interesting and
illuminating: a snapshot of a fast-changing world awash, as we found out, with
innovators, creators and do-ers making their world a better place.
For more information on Southern Innovator contact Cosmas Gitta at or editor David South at
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
© David South Consulting 2021
A tweet from UN Development in 2012.
Southern Innovator Magazine can be downloaded from the UNOSSC website.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) posted on Facebook about the second issue of Southern Innovator Magazine.
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