Legacy of Jane Jacobs in Toronto | 4 May 2016

Today is the 100th birthday of urbanist Jane Jacobs (1916-2006), and, as is tradition these days, she has a Google Doodle. One of the many signs of her legacy in Toronto, Canada is the beautiful magazine, Spacing: "Toronto urbanism uncovered". Spacing also has a store at 401 Richmond Street West in Toronto (my former workplace, where Watch Magazine became one of the first occupants of this hub of creativity in the late 1990s). I highly recommend it for all things urbanist. You can purchase a t-shirt boldly asking "What would Jane Jacobs do?" and feel smug.
While putting together the fourth issue of Southern Innovator on cities and urbanization in 2013 (also inspired by Jane Jacobs), I made contact with Anne Vellone at vellonedesign, who let me know about her latest project, Recollections of a Neighbourhood: Huron-Sussex, from UTS to Stop Spadina, edited by Nancy Williams and Marie Scott-Baron. It is an excellent account of Jacobs' adopted home in Toronto's Annex near the University of Toronto.
Citation: sandwiched between Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Jane Jacobs.

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