A Thank You to Our Followers On Twitter | 3 June 2016

According to Twitter analytics, our two Twitter accounts have reached, as of 3 June 2016, 1,021 followers (@SouthSouth1) (including UNDP Administrator and UN SG candidate Helen Clark) and 933 (@DSChallenges) respectively. In May 2016, @DSChallenges had 18.9K Tweet impressions, 78 new followers and 23 mentions. The @SouthSouth1 account had 8,296 Tweet impressions, 139 new followers and 10 mentions.
Please let others know about our Twitter accounts. We are currently completing the editorial for Issue 6 of Southern Innovator and will release the new edition once it has been signed off by the UNOSSC.
A snapshot of our followers as of June 2016, including UNDP Administrator Helen Clark.
All of our resources can be found online on many platforms. Just pop some search terms into Google and see what comes up. For those with a more scholarly bent, please check out the various books and papers citing both our newsletter Development Challenges, South-South Solutions and Southern Innovator magazine. It is a pleasure to have our stories cited and to know they have inspired others.

Our Twitter followers as of 13 May 2017:
@SouthSouth1: 1,648
@DSChallenges: 1,500
Note: We do not pay for Twitter followers. Twitter auditing tool StatusPeople.com found that @HillaryClinton had 15% fake followers. It was disclosed by the Associated Press the U.S. State Department paid US $630,000 for Facebook fans. These are followers we have gathered over the years. They are an impressive group of people, including UN agency heads, global South innovators, those who love science and technology, are interested in international development, and others wishing to end poverty.

Our Twitter followers as of 17 October 2017:
@SouthSouth1: 2,026
@DSChallenges: 1,825

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