Project Management


Entries in circular economy (3)


Southern Innovator Issue 5 Published and Ready for Launch | 13 March 2014

Southern Innovator's fifth issue has been published. The print run is 5,000 copies and will be distributed around the world through the UN’s networks and partners. It is possible to receive copies of the magazine to help with distribution.

Issue 6 will cover the theme of Science, Technology and Innovation. It is possible to sponsor Southern Innovator, either by helping to fund the printing costs, or by paying for the insertion of a supplement in the magazine. Supplements must be relevant to the issue’s theme and useful for our readers. Southern Innovator is also seeking long-term funding to help us expand and be able to publish more regularly and to expand the resources associated with the Southern Innovator brand.

A hard copy of Southern Innovator Issue 5.


Southern Innovator Issue 5 Being Printed and Readied for Launch | 15 February 2014


Southern Innovator‘s fifth issue is being printed and will soon launch. It is a significant milestone for the magazine since its first launch in 2011. The magazine has been able to gather stories on innovative solutions to the many challenges facing the global South in the 21st century. Distributed around the world and featured at the Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo), it offers a unique opportunity to directly reach the current generation of global innovators.

It is a missed opportunity to not support Southern Innovator at this critical time while the magazine’s profile grows.

Issue 6 will cover the theme of Science, Technology and Innovation.

An infographic from Southern Innovator Issue 5. The cover of Issue 5.


Southern Innovator Issue 5 Awaits Sign-Off | 20 December 2013


Southern Innovator‘s fifth issue is ready and is currently being reviewed in New York at the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). On the theme of waste and recycling, it asks some challenging questions about how the world uses its resources and what this means for the advancement of human development, in particular in the global South.

The sixth issue will get underway in 2014 and is on the theme of science, technology and innovation. Southern Innovator is looking for invitations to come and see what innovators are working on and what has been accomplished. Time is tight, so please contact us now to liaise on travel schedules for the first two months of 2014 (January and February). In the past, Southern Innovator has been invited to see first-hand innovators at work in Cuba, South Korea and China.

Issue 5 cover.

As 2014 approaches, SI will draft some thoughts on what has been accomplished and will peer into the future and offer some perspective and thoughts on innovation and resilience in the 21st century.

Southern Innovator Issue 1 at the Tianjin Eco-city in China.