Project Management


Entries in launch (2)


Southern Innovator Issue 5 Being Printed and Readied for Launch | 15 February 2014


Southern Innovator‘s fifth issue is being printed and will soon launch. It is a significant milestone for the magazine since its first launch in 2011. The magazine has been able to gather stories on innovative solutions to the many challenges facing the global South in the 21st century. Distributed around the world and featured at the Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo), it offers a unique opportunity to directly reach the current generation of global innovators.

It is a missed opportunity to not support Southern Innovator at this critical time while the magazine’s profile grows.

Issue 6 will cover the theme of Science, Technology and Innovation.

An infographic from Southern Innovator Issue 5. The cover of Issue 5.


Southern Innovator Issue 3 Mock-up Ready and Awaiting Sign-off | 23 July 2012


Issue 3 of Southern Innovator has been completed and is now receiving its final check to make sure the copy is as correct as is possible. A tentative publishing date will be sometime in August. While we wait on the wheels to turn, work is already underway on issues 4 and 5. The themes are Cities and Urbanization (Issue 4) and Waste and Recycling (Issue 5). If you are a potential advertiser or sponsor, then consider the release dates for these issues to be autumn and winter of 2012. In the photograph below, the first three issues are shown in a spine view together for the first time. It is possible now to see how the design allows for continuity from issue to issue and makes collecting all the issues of Southern Innovator a smart way to keep your bookshelves looking handsome and relevant.

The first three issues of Southern Innovator magazine.