Project Management


Entries in UNDP (48)


Reflecting on What Has Been Accomplished: The Southern Innovator Impact Summary | 14 January 2015



The 2012 to 2014 Summary of Impact for Southern Innovator has been published. It sums up what has been achieved to date, details the top features of the magazine and why it is the way it is, and, most importantly, makes a pitch for the magazine continuing past the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) deadline year of 2015. Southern Innovator was founded to aid in the push to achieve the MDGs as the final years approached. It seized on two phenomena running in parallel that could super-charge the meeting of the goals, if seized upon by governments. One was the rapid and widespread take-up of mobile phones and information technology; the other was the 21st-century innovator culture this technology was shaping.

Now that the next goals are being debated, it is time for Southern Innovator to scale-up and build on its achievements to date. Have a read of the Impact Summary and dream with us of a bigger Southern Innovator!

© David South Consulting 2017


Southern Innovator at GSSD Expo 2014 | 16 November 2014


Southern Innovator Issue 5 was distributed to participants at the GSSD Expo 2014 (Global South-South Development Expo) and at the 6th annual AIDF Disaster Relief Summit.

Southern Innovator has attended every Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo) since 2011. This year’s Expo – from the 17th of November until the 21st in Washington, D.C. – marks the beginning of a new phase for Southern Innovator (SI). The magazine has outgrown its humble beginnings and is now negotiating the funding for a major global expansion. In September of this year, Southern Innovator began talks with television programme makers in order to launch an SI television presence and an online video service. Southern Innovator is also exploring ways to match this rich media content with an expanded and improved online and mobile offering and a funding platform specialising in social ventures and supporting innovators. SI will also look for ways to continue to support efforts within UNDP and the wider UN family to encourage and support innovation in all its forms.

As 2014 comes to a close, this is an outstanding opportunity for the right partners to get on board with this unique global media brand producing “content for the 21st century”. Contact the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) to discuss this further:

In the meantime, our sixth issue is underway and also represents a great way to reach readers across the global South. We are seeking sponsors to help with expanding our print run and also to fund various supplements to accompany the magazine.

© David South Consulting 2017 


Issue 6 Will Launch in Autumn 2014: Get on Board! | 28 July 2014

Issue 6 of Southern Innovator will tackle the theme of science, technology and innovation. Looking ahead, we are also seeking long-term funding for the magazine to take us to 2016 and also to enable us to scale to a level of reach we feel is necessary to have significant impact across the global South. To date, Southern Innovator has been ‘lean and mean’, run on a small budget with a tiny team. The editorial team is based in London, UK, the design team in Reykjavik, Iceland and the UN team in New York. This has worked well because it has forced us to be prudent with resources and to be very creative. But we have reached the physical limitations of this approach, and, to be frank, feel we are not living up to the potential of the magazine because we do not have the people and team to reach scale. As an example, we can only afford to publish in the English language, which means we miss out on billions of non-English speakers. We would like to have regional issues and bureaus, to be able to leverage the SI brand to offer a range of resources and products that are truly transformational for innovators, to stage events that bring together like-minded individuals, and to come out more frequently and regularly. 

If our potential sponsors and advertisers could see what I see when the magazine reaches readers, I do not think they would hesitate to get on board and support the magazine. Often innovators feel like they are plowing a lonely furrow, unsupported, isolated. Or are enjoying significant local success but can see how what they have learned can help others but lack the time or means to share their wisdom and experience.

That “a ha” moment when we meet somebody who tells us the magazine “gets them” is especially rewarding. Most recently, this happened over and over again at the Global South-South Development Expo held in Nairobi, Kenya towards the end of 2013.

Hollywood has given the world the highly entertaining Iron Man series of films. The fictional Tony Stark dazzles us with his inventions and his awesome innovator’s ocean-side lair. If you liked that film, then you will love what we see happening all around the global South and feature in the magazine. Most of our innovators lack the flashy resources and wealth of a Tony Stark but they are no less innovative and creative, often working in the harshest conditions on the planet. They are our ‘Iron Men’ and ‘Iron Women’.

Help us to further share the innovator’s spirit of Southern Innovator and transform the world, one good idea at a time!


Southern Innovator Issue 5 Published and Ready for Launch | 13 March 2014

Southern Innovator's fifth issue has been published. The print run is 5,000 copies and will be distributed around the world through the UN’s networks and partners. It is possible to receive copies of the magazine to help with distribution.

Issue 6 will cover the theme of Science, Technology and Innovation. It is possible to sponsor Southern Innovator, either by helping to fund the printing costs, or by paying for the insertion of a supplement in the magazine. Supplements must be relevant to the issue’s theme and useful for our readers. Southern Innovator is also seeking long-term funding to help us expand and be able to publish more regularly and to expand the resources associated with the Southern Innovator brand.

A hard copy of Southern Innovator Issue 5.


Southern Innovator Issue 5 Being Printed and Readied for Launch | 15 February 2014


Southern Innovator‘s fifth issue is being printed and will soon launch. It is a significant milestone for the magazine since its first launch in 2011. The magazine has been able to gather stories on innovative solutions to the many challenges facing the global South in the 21st century. Distributed around the world and featured at the Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD Expo), it offers a unique opportunity to directly reach the current generation of global innovators.

It is a missed opportunity to not support Southern Innovator at this critical time while the magazine’s profile grows.

Issue 6 will cover the theme of Science, Technology and Innovation.

An infographic from Southern Innovator Issue 5. The cover of Issue 5.

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